This beautiful cookbook explains how to use food for maximum enjoyment, while promoting vitality and a healthy metabolism that fights modern ailments such as high blood sugar, chronic inflammation, low energy and weight gain.

Striving to avoid excesses and dogmatism, this book advocates a way of eating that finds an echo in various “modern” diets, including Atkins, Paleo, Whole 30 and Mediterranean. It provides simple, yet scientifically accurate, justifications together with delicious recipes that illustrate the principles.
It encourages the readers to consume a wide variety of fresh foods, selecting low sugar, low carb (and as such gluten-free), unprocessed ingredients with the highest possible nutritional value.
A beautiful high quality production (full color, hard cover with dust jacket, 8″ by 11″, 300 pages), Eat Real Food or Else… is a nutrition manual, an attractive coffee table item, and a wonderful cookbook all in one.
Food can be both a pleasure and your ticket to lifelong health, but only if you choose wisely. The temptation is great to pick elements from various popular diets, but intuition and common wisdom can be misleading.
Because of the huge complexity of our body, nutrition cannot be reduced to simplistic rules. However, some principles do exist, myths must be debunked. You will not find here a “one-size-fits-all” diet, but methods that will help you listen to your body and adapt your diet accordingly.
“Eat Real Food or Else” presents a comprehensive system for lifelong health, with tools to make informed food choices, including:
- Nutritional advice based on the broad view of the entire body.
- Simple yet scientifically accurate explanations about the effects of various foods.
- Illustrated step-by-step recipes for all occasions.
- Perspectives from which to examine the existing diets and the nutritional literature.
“Eat Real Food or Else” advocates an pleasurable way of eating that focuses on whole body health. Its fundamental principle is to enjoy the widest possible variety of fresh foods, while avoiding those high in sugar and low in nutrients.