Print format: 6″x9″ soft cover, 444 pages, 1.5 lbs.

Quantitative Medicine Is a Complete Healthcare System___
This book is a step-by-step guide to assessing one’s health and developing lifestyle changes to optimize it. Using its principles, degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, cancer, heart disease, adult onset diabetes, osteoporosis, and even aging can be prevented and usually reversed.
This method has been used for over twenty years in Dr. Nichols’s clinical practice. Several thousand patients have experienced the benefits, and every single person has gotten better–many markedly so.
Over 70% of the population now dies of degenerative disease, but this can be entirely prevented. Everyone’s own body has within it the means to prevent and reverse degenerative disease. It is only a matter of harnessing these vital forces–forces subdued or confounded by our modern lifestyle, but waiting, internally, for their chance to heal.
People Who Have Used Quantitative Medicine___
Over the past ten years I have rigorously adopted the lifestyle approach outlined in Quantitative Medicine. My appearance and overall health are better than 25 years ago. At times I feel I have found “the fountain of youth” in Dr. Mike Nichols’s scientific approach to not only improving but, in my case, totally eliminating lifestyle diseases. Thank God I found QM before it was too late! —-R Michael Miller, Insurance Executive
Dr. Mike’s Quantitative Medicine really has changed my life. After my first heart attack I followed the broadly recommended “standard” medical advice, only to have a second heart attack within two years. A good friend recommended Dr. Mike and his Quantitative Medicine approach. Diet change + effective physical and spiritual exercise = new healthy life. Side benefits are: feeling years younger, stronger, and happier. —-Dave Saxby, Entrepreneur
This book connects the dots between lifestyle choices and health and makes it crystal clear why we should care. —-Ken Goldman. Venture Capitalist
A Doctor’s View of Dr. Nichols___
Dr. Mike Nichols, a true medical visionary, was at the forefront of advocating lifestyle changes for the treatment and prevention of diseases since the 1990s. His brilliant and pioneering work in combining healthy nutrition, regular exercise, meditation, and adequate rest was years ahead of the mainstream thinking of practicing physicians and even of widely acclaimed national specialty organizations. He has seen significant improvement in clinical outcomes of his patients: in improved exercise tolerance, hypertension control, weight loss, diabetes control, lipid management, and general well-being. —-Michael R. Nagel, MD, MPA, FACC
A Patient’s View of Quantitative Medicine___
From Silicon Valley, the epicenter of disruptive technologies, comes a set of ideas, based on data, that is sure to both surprise the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance establishments, and hopefully help literally millions of people achieve a happier and healthier quality of life. If you look at the practice of Medicine the way we look at technology, you end up with Quantitative Medicine. Quantitative Medicine is surprising yet empowering. When you extract the influences of the many special interests, and consider honestly and openly what the data is telling us, so many long-held beliefs are shattered, and so much falls into place. Yet the result is remarkably empowering. —-Marty Cagan, Author, Founder, Silicon Valley Product GroupMore text.